Friday, March 28, 2014

The First Post

I began this blog a while ago so that those inclined to care bout what I'm up to would have a place where they could find out. I think I wrote about three blogs and then went on a two year hiatus. In that two years I've been a lot of places, learned a lot, met a lot of exciting people. I just forgot to write about it. Hopefully that will change.

I'm planning to revamp this blog as a place to read not only about my various shenanigans--and believe me, there are plenty--but also as a repository of all of my thoughts on clown, theatre, art, life, etc. All of those fun things I sit around and think about when given a quiet moment during the day. I'm putting this here not because I'm conceited enough to believe that anyone would care what I have to say on these subjects, but because as with all things related to clown, theatre, art, life, etc., I think we gain greater insight through discussion. Perhaps my thoughts will help clarify something for you. Hopefully, then you'll feel engaged enough to comment, and your thoughts will help me.

We'll see how this goes.

One word of warning. I am not a writer. I'm a clown. I tend to write from my stream of consciousness as it flows, and I often forget to proofread. I understand that I sometimes write run on sentences and that I am not great at using commas correctly. I know these things about myself, and I am okay with them. I don't need reminders. Your telling me that I misspelled "cacophany" is not going to make me spell it right the next time. We're all just going to have to be okay with my bad grammar if this is going to work. 

1 comment:

  1. why on earth would i every tell some one they spelled a word wrong? That's what the all mighty spellcheck is for. (Ha, spellcheck just spellchecked itself)
